Montessori education is a unique form of education that emphasizes individualized instruction and self-paced learning, which was developed by Italian physician and educator Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 1900s. As a holistic approach to education, the Montessori method focuses on the whole child – their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development; education’s goal is to be a “help to life”, so that students are set up for success in all ways.
How is Montessori Education Different from Other Types of Education?
One of the most significant differences between Montessori education and other types of education is how the students are taught. In the Montessori classroom, children are allowed to develop at their own pace and learn through exploration and discovery.
Another difference is the way that the classroom is set up. Montessori classrooms are typically very different from traditional ones, with a more hands-on approach to learning and a focus on each child's needs. There are specific areas for various activities, such as art, science, math, etc., which allow children to move around freely and to choose the activities they are interested in.
Also, one key element of Montessori education is mixed-age classrooms. This allows older students to serve as mentors and role models for younger students, fostering a sense of community and cooperation.
How Does a Montessori Education Prepare Students for College?
But What About Standardized Tests?
Critics may think that Montessori-taught students do not perform well on standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT. However, this is not the case. In fact, a 2007 study of Montessori high school students revealed that they scored consistently higher in math and science on standardized tests than those who attended a traditional school. This is likely due to the fact that in Montessori schools, more time is spent on math and science exploration than in conventional schools; also, the focus is on mastering and enjoying the process, not just drilling it.
In conclusion, a Montessori education more than prepares students to enter college; it prepares them to excel and thrive in it. At Fountainhead Montessori, we are confident your child will be set up to succeed in every area of life, even (or especially!) if they are college-bound.