Deciding which private school is right for your child can be very difficult because the number of options in most areas is quite vast. Private schools are free to have different emphasis and methods of learning that could better suit your child. Understanding your child’s way of learning and watching to see what kind of environment your child thrives in can help determine what kind of private schools to consider.
When choosing between the different private schools in your area, ask yourself a few key questions to help narrow down your options. Questions like:
By taking a significant amount of time to answer each of these questions, you will be able to narrow down a perimeter of where you are willing to travel, how much you are willing to spend for your child’s education, what is most important to your student, and what added benefits that could sway your decision.
When you have a short list of private schools to choose between, calling to inquire about the application process and availability is the next step. Once you know that there is a spot available for your child, you can schedule a time to observe a classroom and meet the staff so you can get a full picture of what it would be like for your student to attend the school. Seeing a classroom in action will allow you to visualize what it would be like for your child. You can see the facilities and learn about the different programs offered so you can make a confident decision about where your child will learn best.
Schools with different teaching methods, like in a Montessori education, will offer your child more than just academics. While they will certainly practice literacy and mathematics in a Montessori program, students will be able to strengthen skills in independence, organization, and even hone physical fine motor skills as well.
Finding the perfect fit for your child’s education will have you feeling confident in your decision and your child thriving at school. If you are in the Bay Area and want to learn more about the Montessori method, schedule a classroom observation with Fountainhead Montessori School today.