Fountainhead Montessori Blog

How Much Involvement Do Parents Have in Private School Programs?

Written by Shandy Cole | Jul 7, 2020 7:01:44 PM

Do you want your child to go to a private school where parents are encouraged to be involved? Do you want to learn about the various ways that you can support your child and the teacher throughout the school year? If you do, it is important to consider how much involvement parents typically have in private school programs. The reality is that each private school program is different, and there is no way to determine exactly how much parents are involved until you explore a program in detail. There are, however, a number of ways that private schools typically encourage parents to be involved.

Learn deeply about the educational philosophy of the school

Private school programs operate under a wide range of educational philosophies. Learning about the educational philosophy of the school your child attends is one way to get involved. When you understand the philosophy behind the classroom design, curriculum, and student-teacher interaction, then you can apply the same philosophy in your interactions with your child at home.

Support classroom learning at home

No matter what school your child attends, you can support classroom learning at home. For example, at Fountainhead Montessori School students are expected to clean up after themselves, try and solve problems before seeking the help of the adult, and be an active participant in what they learn. You can support these lessons at home by expecting the same things from your child in day-to-day activities.

Prepare students for the school day with good habits at home

You can also get involved in your child’s education by providing a quality routine in the evenings and mornings. The things your child does tonight will impact what happens at school tomorrow. A well-rested child can concentrate and behave at a higher level than a sleep-deprived child. The mornings are crucial as well. The interactions your child has before school can set the tone for the interactions he or she has in the classroom. Besides, a nutritious breakfast will make it easier for your child to focus and stay on track before lunch. The routines you have at home are an important part of supporting your child and the teacher in the classroom.

Stay in close contact with the teacher

Engaging in consistent communication with the teacher is another way that many private schools encourage parent involvement. Reading notes, emails, and announcements sent by the teacher is key. If your child’s teacher needs additional help or support in the classroom, the way to learn about those needs is by paying close attention to the communications sent out by the teacher.

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with your child’s education. The suggestions above all help you get involved at a distance but in important and real ways. If you want to be even more involved, then talk to someone in admissions at the programs you are considering for your child. You may find that there are more than enough opportunities for you to be an active participant in your child’s education.