Fountainhead Montessori Blog

Ways Montessori School Inspires Creativity

Written by Shandy Cole | Dec 1, 2020 7:56:09 PM

It is important for your child to develop creativity in school. Being creative can help your child academically, personally, and in his or her future career. The most successful people use creativity in their jobs every day. The Montessori Philosophy of education recognizes the value of creativity and makes it a priority in the classroom. Montessori schools inspire creativity by encouraging students to explore their interests, allowing for self-directed learning, and offering hands-on learning opportunities.

Encourages students to explore interests

The interests of each student are important in the Montessori classroom. There is no one-size-fits-all lesson plan that students are expected to adapt to. Instead, students in the Montessori classroom are encouraged to explore their interests. This type of exploration inspires creativity because it gives students the freedom to learn about things that interest them. Students will engage more deeply with topics that align with their natural interests. Creativity comes from a place of genuine interest. Students in the Montessori classroom are provided with the space to develop their interests, and creativity is a natural byproduct.

Allows for self-directed learning

A Montessori school inspires creativity by allowing for self-directed learning in the classroom. An important part of the teacher’s job in the Montessori classroom is to provide students with multiple learning options. The teacher observes the interests of the students and provides learning opportunities that align with those interests. In the classroom, each student has some freedom when it comes to the way he or she will learn about a particular concept. This freedom in choice can inspire creativity in students. Self-directed learning helps to eliminate some of the friction that students face in learning and, in turn, leaves space for creativity and individual expression. When students learn in a way that feels natural to them the process feels more like fun and less like work.

Offers hands-on learning opportunities

A core element of the Montessori Philosophy is providing hands-on learning opportunities for students. Engaging multiple senses in the learning process provides more opportunities for creativity than simply sitting at a desk and doing worksheets. Through hands-on learning, students discover that learning is something that can happen in a variety of settings and areas of their lives.

Provides unique enrichment programs

Montessori schools have more flexibility than public programs when it comes to choosing enrichment programs. Enrichment programs can inspire creativity in students and provide unique learning opportunities. For example, Fountainhead Montessori School offers enrichment opportunities such as yoga, art, music lessons, language immersion, and gardening programs. Students in the Montessori classroom can engage in activities that inspire creativity and learn in the process.

Quality education should provide your child with much more than the ability to repeat back memorized facts. You want your child to develop important life-skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving. The Montessori Philosophy of education helps students learn important skills such as these by inspiring creativity every day. Many of the most important skills for a successful life require creativity. The Montessori philosophy of education values creativity and provides opportunities to develop it in every aspect of the curriculum and classroom environment.