When searching for an early education setting for your child, it can be difficult to know what your options are and how to make the best choice. For the best choices for preschool in Danville, you want a school that makes you feel comfortable and can provide your child with the best opportunities for growth and development.
Choosing a Preschool
To help make the decision of which preschool is right for your family, take a few things into consideration:
- Is the preschool location convenient for my family? Location is a big factor to consider when choosing a childcare option for your family. Whether it’s close to your home or work, a convenient location will help keep your family on track as you navigate your busy weeks.
- Do the available hours work for my family? If you need childcare while you are working or tending to other obligations, you need to make sure the available hours for the preschool meet those needs.
- Does the school have a good reputation around town? You can often get a good feel for the culture and quality of a school based on how other people feel about their experiences. You can often find reviews online, talk with friends and neighbors, or check local social media groups to learn firsthand accounts of people who have sent their children to a childcare setting. If you hear things that raise red flags, you can ask the staff questions or perhaps even avoid a questionable setting. Hearing about the good experiences people have had with a childcare facility can help you rest easier and have confidence in your decision.
- Do you align with the school’s educational philosophy? Schools can vary a great deal in the approach they take toward education. Traditional schools often have whole group lessons and single age groups in a class, while other methods, such as Montessori, have individualized instruction so children can learn at their own pace and contain mixed-age classrooms. Depending on your child’s needs and personal beliefs on education, you may desire to ask some questions to understand how a school functions.
- Do you want extra enrichment opportunities for your child? In addition to the basic lessons in the classroom, some preschool programs offer opportunities to participate in language immersion programs, art classes, sports or other additional learning opportunities.
Look no further than Fountainhead Montessori to find one of the best choices for Preschool in Danville. With a commitment to the Montessori method, our teachers are highly trained to provide children with developmentally appropriate activities that can help them reach their fullest potential. In addition to the basic Montessori lessons, our Danville location boasts a Mandarin immersion experience where children have the opportunity learn this new language in a natural setting.
Through the use of the Montessori Method, our teachers guide each child along their educational journey. To find out more about Fountainhead and Montessori education, contact us today. One of our caring staff members will reach out to answer any questions you may have. Choosing a preschool for your child doesn’t have to be complicated.
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